VoIP/E911 Service Disclaimer

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As an Interconnected VoIP provider, Arriva is obligated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to abide by the rules to advise every new or existing VoIP SUBSCRIBER, promptly, and in plain language, about the limitations of the E911 services. The FCC also requires Interconnected VoIP telephone providers using the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to meet Enhanced 911 (E911) guidelines to reduce public safety risks. Please read a summary of the rules Arriva is required to follow stated below:

  1. Provide 911 service to all subscribers as a standard, mandatory component. VoIP providers may not permit SUBSCRIBERs to “opt out” of 911 service.
  2. Obtain a subscriber’s physical location prior to service activation and provide a simple way for subscribers to update the location they have registered with the provider if it changes.
  3. Transmit all 911 calls, including a callback number and the caller’s registered physical location, to the appropriate emergency services call center, or local emergency authority.
  4. Providers must inform subscribers if 911 service may be limited or not available and instruct them to place the labels on or near the equipment used with VoIP service.
  5. Acknowledge that all subscribers are aware of and understand the limitations of their 911 service.
  6. Ensure that a 911 call is dispatched to the appropriate 911 call center in areas where emergency service providers are not capable of receiving or processing the location information or call back numbers are not automatically transmitted.
  7. Distribute its new and existing subscribers with warning stickers or other appropriate warning labels and will be instructed to place them on or near the equipment used in conjunction with the interconnected VoIP service.

A full disclosure of the FCC VoIP rules and guidelines can be found by visiting their website: https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/voip-and-911-service



In August 2019, the Commission implemented two federal laws that enhance emergency calling: Kari’s Law and Section 506 of Ray Baum’s Act. Kari’s Law requires direct 911 dialing and notification abilities in multi-line telephone systems (MLTS). These are found in enterprises such as office buildings, campuses, and hotels. Under the statute and Commission’s guidelines, MLTS manufacturers and vendors must configure these systems to support direct dialing 911. This allows the user to dial 911 without needing to dial any prefix or access code, such as the number 9. Under Section 506 of Ray Baum’s Act, the Commission adopted regulations to ensure that “dispatchable location” is conveyed with the 911 emergency center, regardless of the technological platform employed which would include 911 calls from the multi-line telephones. Most importantly the location delivered to the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) with a 911 call that consists of a validated street address of the caller, plus additional details including suite, apartment, or any other indicating descriptions pertaining to the location.    



Read this Notice carefully to understand how 911 dialing using the VoIP services differs from traditional wireline 911 services. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information contained here with the VoIP services, or if you do not understand anything discussed here regarding 911 dialing with VoIP services, please contact Arriva at 662-983-4343. In the past, traditional wireline phones were directly tied to a physical address. When you dialed 911 from a traditional wireline phone, the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) automatically knew your location. VoIP calls, however, can originate from anywhere with an internet connected device, such as VoIP enabled headsets, conference calling stations, computers, smartphones, tablets, or any device capable of communicating over the internet (“Softphone”). PSAP receives the call and dispatches local emergency responders based on the address most recently registered with your VoIP service. While the registered address is presented automatically, callers must be prepared to validate their name, location, and contact information. You must inform users of the VoIP services that they may not be able to reach emergency services by dialing 911 when using the VoIP services. Arriva highly recommends that users possess alternative methods of accessing 911 emergency services such as a cellphone, traditional wireline phone, or backup power supply. 



If your electrical power goes out or has a broadband outage, your VoIP services may or may not work correctly, or they may be unavailable. You will not be able to call out or text with the VoIP service. Following a power failure or disruption, you may need to reset or reconfigure the VoIP device(s) prior to the utilization of the 911 services. It is crucial that you have a backup method to access such as a cellphone to reach 911 emergency services. Battery backups, also known as Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), are a good option for computers, modems, and home office equipment that has potentially sensitive data. Additionally, battery backups also allow you to keep the internet (and therefore your phone system) up and running during a power outage up to eight hours, depending on usage. You are responsible for providing an uninterruptible backup power supply if you wish to continue the VoIP services in the event of an outage. If you possess a non-VoIP device such as a medical alert system, or security equipment, you should be aware that not all non-VoIP devices may be compatible with your VoIP service or provider network.

It is also your responsibility to REGISTER, UPDATE, and/or CORRECT your address by logging into your account or by contacting Arriva if the address changes due to the relocation of the VoIP service. You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the address(es) that you submit for your Arriva VoIP Services. If your address is inaccurate or incomplete, it will direct your 911 call to the wrong emergency service authority and that call may be transmitted to the incorrect address. It will result in the emergency representative not being able to assist you, delayed emergency services and response, or the 911 call may disconnect altogether. You should always be prepared to provide your call back number and actual location when making 911 calls. If you utilize your VoIP service in an office environment/campus with multiple users in the same location, the registered location of your VoIP service will be your office. If you remove your VoIP service from that location and call 911 from another location, the registered location of the office will appear as your location regardless of your actual location. If you are employed in a building with multiple levels, you may have to provide which floor, office number, or specific room. You will also need to register the actual location where your VoIP service is being used EVERY time it is moved. 



Arriva uses a third party to route dialed 911 calls to the local emergency response center. Arriva makes no warranties or guarantees as to whether, or the way, 911 dialed calls that you make are answered or responded to by the local emergency response center, and Arriva expressly disclaims any and all liability or responsibility in the event that the third-party data used to route 911 dialed calls is incorrect or yields an erroneous result. NEITHER ARRIVA NOR ITS OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, OR AGENTS MAY BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGE, OR LOSS CAUSED DIRECTLY, OR INDIRECTLY, BY YOUR INABILITY TO ACCESS THE SERVICE, INCLUDING 911/E911 SERVICES. You agree to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Arriva, its officers, directors, affiliates, employees, representatives, and agents from any and all claims, damages, losses, fines, penalties, costs, and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorney fees) BY OR ON BEHALF OF YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY OR USER OF YOUR ACCOUNT RELATING TO THE ABSENCE, FAILURE OR OUTAGE OF THE SERVICE, INCLUDING 911 DIALING AND/OR THE INABILITY OF YOU OR ANY THIRD PERSON OR PARTY OR USER OF THE SERVICE TO BE ABLE TO DIAL 911 OR TO ACCESS EMERGENCY SERVICE PERSONNEL.